Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mine planter killed and 4 others arrested in Helmand and Uruzgan provinces

Publish Date: May 30, 2012
One mine planter killed and four others arrested in Helmand and Uruzgan provinces
One mine planter was killed by his own explosives while he attempted to plant a roadside mine in the main road of Nad Ali District of Helmand province, yesterday.

Three other mine planters arrested by Afghan National Police while they were carrying the dead body of mine planter in the mentioned area.

In the meantime, Afghan National Police arrested a mine planter with two anti-vehicle mines while he attempted to plant anti-vehicle mines in the Noori region, Chora District of Uruzgan province, yesterday.

Afghan National Police are working diligently with local leaders and the public to prevent these types of acts from killing and wounding innocent civilians and security forces.
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