Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Australian soldier killed in Chorah Valley

An Australian Special Forces soldier has been killed as a result of a small arms engagement in the Chorah Valley, Afghanistan, yesterday afternoon (2 July 2012).

The soldier was shot in the chest during an engagement with insurgents while on a partnered mission with the Afghan National Security Forces to target a known insurgent commander.

The Chief of the Defence Force, General David Hurley extended his sympathy to the soldier's family and friends.

"Words cannot ease the overwhelming grief they feel today but I hope they can find comfort in the knowledge that this soldier served his country with pride and distinction," General Hurley said.

The patrol's advanced first aider provided immediate assistance and continued attempts to resuscitate the wounded soldier until he was evacuated by helicopter to the Role 2 Medical Facility in Tarin Kot.

"Sadly, despite the best efforts of all, attempts to resuscitate the soldier were unsuccessful," General Hurley said.

The soldier’s family has been notified and are receiving support from Defence.

The 40 year old Special Forces soldier was a member of the Perth based Special Air Service Regiment. He enlisted in the Army in 1990 and joined the Special Air Service Regiment in 1995 deploying on six operations during a career spanning more than 20 years.

This was his seventh tour to Afghanistan over an 11 year period.

The soldier's family has requested that personal details not be released at this time and we ask that you respect their privacy.

An ADF military dog was also shot and killed during the engagement.

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