Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pakistan to free 8 more jailed Taliban leaders

Afghan high peace council officials on Thursday said around 8 more Taliban leaders will be freed from Pakistani jails during the next 2 or 3 days.

Masoom Stanekzai chief of the Afghan high peace council secretariat said Afghan and Pakistani officials are discussing to release further Taliban leaders from jailed in Pakistan.

However Mr. Stanekzai did not disclose further information if Taliban leader Mullah Brother was among those who will be freed from the jail.

This comes as Afghan high peace council chief Salahuddin Rabbani visited Pakistan along with a delegation of Afghan officials in a bid to pave the way for the Afghan peace talks.

In the meantime Afghan ambassador in Islamabad Mohammad Omer Daudzai called the Afghan peace delegation visit to Pakistan vital and historical.

He said the peace delegation visit was important and will be accompanied by major achievements since the Afghan peace officials visited Pakistan with a clear agenda.

Mr. Daudzai did not disclose further information regarding the peace talks however he said that a number of the prominent Taliban detainees will be freed from the Pakistani jails.

This comes as a delegation of the Afghan high peace council headed by Professor Burhanduddin Rabbani visited Pakistan in January 2011 to discuss Afghan peace talks with the Pakistani officials.

There were no major achievements in Afghan peace talks despite commitments by Pakistan to assist Afghan peace negotiations.

But Afghan ambassador to Pakistan Mohammad Daud Stanekzai said the meeting by Afghan peace delegation in Pakistan was different from the previous visits.

By Sajad - Thu Nov 15, 1:33 pm

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