Wednesday, December 12, 2012

6 suicide bombers arrested in eastern Paktika province

KHOST (PAN): Six would-be suicide attackers were arrested by security forces in southeastern Paktika province on Tuesday, an official said.

The bombers were captured during a search operation in the Sultano village of Srawza district around 2 pm and explosive vests recovered from them.

Governor Mohibullah Samim told Pajhwok Afghan News one of the detainees hailed from Kandahar, three from Ghazni and one each from Maidan Wardak and Uruzgan provinces.

Samim said the militants planned to attack him, the provincial police chief and the National Directorate of Security head for Paktika. Five AK47 rifles, one rocket-propelled grenade and five explosive vests were seized.

from Pajhwok
By Hedayatullah Khostai Dec 11, 2012 - 19:33


from KHAAMA:
By Sajad - Tue Dec 11, 8:25 pm

According to local authorities in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan, Afghan security forces arrested 6 suicide bomber in Jani Khel district before they manage to attack their targets in this province.

Provincial security chief Dawlat Khan Zadran confirming the report said the arrested suicide bombers aged between 16 to 20 years old.

Mr. Zadran further added at least 3 of the suicide bombers are Pakistani citizens while the nationality of the other three are unknown.

He said the 6 suicide bombers were looking to attack government infrastructures in this province and were arrested by Afghan police forces.
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