Wednesday, December 12, 2012

NATO drone crash in Helmand province of Afghanistan

According to reports a NATO-led International Coalition Security Forces drone crashed in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan on Wednesday.

The incident took place in Nava district early Wednesday. This comes as another NATO drone crashed in Pashtun Zarghoon district nearly two weeks back in western Herat province of Afghanistan.

Nawa district is among the volatile region in southern Helman province of Afghanistan where Taliban militants are actively operating and carry out insurgency activities.

According to the military stats revealed last month the U.S. had launched some 333 drone strikes in Afghanistan thus far in 2012. That made Afghanistan the epicenter of U.S. drone attacks. But it turns out those stats were off, according to revised ones released by the Air Force, there have actually been 447 drone strikes in Afghanistan this year. That means drone strikes represent 11.5 percent of the entire air war — up from about 5 percent last year.


By Sayed Jawad - Wed Dec 12, 10:18 am

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