Monday, December 10, 2012

R.I.P. - Petty Officer 1st Class Nicolas D. Checque

DOD Identifies Navy Casualty

            The Department of Defense announced today the death of a sailor who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

            Petty Officer 1st Class Nicolas D. Checque, 28, of Monroeville, Pa., died of combat related injuries suffered Dec. 8, while supporting operations near Kabul, Afghanistan.  Checque was assigned to an East Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit.

            For further information related to this release, please contact Naval Special Warfare Command Public Affairs at 619-522-2816 or 703-697-5342.

"The family has asked that everybody respect their privacy at this time of grief and they do not wish to be contacted,"

so, im not posting any picture, just the collected infos and the related links
Rest in Peace Warrior! condolences to the family and friends
Checque graduated from Norwin High School in 2002, according to district spokesman Jon Szish. He was a member of the wrestling team.

Checque, a decorated 10-year veteran, was assigned to an East Coast-based Navy Special Warfare Command unit in 2004, the Special Warfare Command said. SEAL Team Six is the unit that killed Osama bin Laden last year, though it is unknown whether Checque was on the bin Laden mission. 

His awards include the Bronze Star, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and two combat action ribbons, among others. He served in the Iraq War as well as Afghanistan.

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