Monday, December 10, 2012

Six year old boy’s final Christmas Wish

i know this in not a military related thing, but i hope readers can help

from armywtfmoments
by _T | December 8, 2012 

Nathan is a 6 year old who has struggled with terminal cancer for the  last three years. As an adult I could not imaging going through such a struggle, going through it as a child is unthinkable.

After going through numerous surgeries which removed 55% of the tumor Nathan developed another tumor on his spine which unfortunately is inoperable. This may be Nathan’s last Christmas.

Through prayer and good wishees he may see another, but even if not nathan has made a final and simple wish for Christmas this year. He considers firefighter, EMTs, police officers, and other first responders his heroes. He simply asked to recieve cards, patches and other memorabilia from his heroes.

While Servicemembers wasn’t listed on his list, I’m sure he would be just as thrilled to recieve patches and insignia from Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines from around the world.

USAWTFM is asking the WTF Nation to take the time to write a note, send a patch, send your unit crest, send your rank, send something to a young hero in  his own right. You can send them to the following address:

Nathan Norman
 81 Dunivan Drive
Rustburg, Virginia 24588


You can read the full story here:

A Christmas Wish For A Dying Boy

Six-year-old Nathan Norman has terminal cancer and is reaching out to policemen, firemen and all emergency service workers to fulfill his final Christmas wish.
By Ann Piccirillo , December 5, 2012 

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