Monday, December 24, 2012

Somalia: Al Shabab Fighters Killed in Security Operations

map by Evan Centanni (
Baidoa 24 Dec. 12 (Shabelle)-- Somali national army in Bay region in south west of the nation have killed members of the militant group of Alshabab in well coordinated military raids in villages in and around that province.

In an exclusive interview with Shabelle media Network, governor of Bay region, Mr. bdifatah Geesy has told that the ongoing military raids against hide-outs for Alshabab in Bay region were successful and would continue till the group is fully cleared from all parts in that region.

Mr. Geesey said that the latest operation, fighters from Alshabab were killed in the village of Basali which is near Aw diinle district.

With high moral, Somali government forces now seem to able to face Alshabab after they successfully pushed the group from urban areas clearly with a help from the Arican union forces and forces from the neighbouring nations of Ethiopia and Kenya.

from allAfrica/Shabelle
By Maalik_eng, 24 December 2012

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