Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feb. 10., 2013. - ISAF Joint Command Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan – During a security operation in Maiwand district, Kandahar province, Feb. 9, Afghan and coalition forces killed Taliban leader, Abdul Baki.

Abdul Baki, also known as Ruzi, was known to operate as part of an extensive insurgent network in Uruzgan, Helmand and Kandahar provinces. He was responsible for coordinating complex attacks utilizing suicide operatives against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force conducted a precision strike, killing him.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


Afghan and coalition security forces arrested two Taliban leaders in Kunduz district, Kunduz province, Feb. 9. The first leader is accused of gathering materials and facilitating logistics to conduct improvised explosive device attacks against Afghan government officials as well as Afghan and coalition forces. The second detained Taliban leader is believed to be an IED cell member and weapons facilitator operating in Baghlan-e Jadid district. He is accused of facilitating the movement of rockets and small arms to insurgents in Baghlan province.


In Zurmat district, Paktiya province, Feb. 9, an Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader accused of executing IED emplacements against Afghan and coalition forces. The detained leader is also believed to have overseen nearly 45 insurgent fighters. The security force detained one suspected insurgent and seized an assault-rifle with associated gear and ammunition.

An Afghan and coalition security force killed two armed insurgents during a security operation in search of a Taliban senior leader in Baraki Barak district, Logar province, Feb. 9. The senior leader holds a prominent leadership position in the district Taliban network. He executes guidance on direct and indirect fire as well as IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. During the operation, the security force seized multiple hand grenades and an assault rifle with associated gear and ammunition.

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