Saturday, June 1, 2013

In Several Joint Clearance Operations, 72 Armed Taliban Killed (June 01.2013.)

Publish Date: Jun 01, 2013
In past 24 hours, Afghan National Police conducted several joint clearance operations with the cooperation of Afghan National Army, NDS and Coalition Forces to clean some of the areas from terrorists and enemies of peace and stability of Afghanistan.

The operations were conducted in Badakhshan, Balkh, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Paktika, Paktiya, Herat and Ghor provinces, as a result 72 armed Taliban were killed, two wounded and eight other armed Taliban were arrested by Afghan National Security Forces.

Also, during these operations, Afghan National Police discovered and confiscated some amount of light and heavy rounds ammunition and IEDs.
During the same 24 hour period, Afghan National Police discovered and defused two different types of mines placed by enemies of Afghanistan for destructive activities in Laghman province.

Counter Crimes:
The 101 Kabul Zone National Police detained two suspects accused of theft in the 15th District of Kabul-City.
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