Saturday, June 1, 2013

May 31., 2013. - ISAF Joint Command Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan and coalition security forces arrested a Taliban facilitator during an operation in Chimtal district, Balkh province, May 30.

The facilitator is responsible for the movement of explosives and weapons in the Balkh province for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He collects illegal taxes from civilians to pay for weapons and has command and control over a cell of Taliban fighters responsible for multiple attacks in the local area.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


An Afghan and coalition security force killed one enemy of Afghanistan during an operation in search of a senior Taliban leader in Khakrez district, Kandahar province, May 30. The leader directs and executes improvised explosive device, indirect fire and direct fire attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He provides instruction on making IEDs and distributes suicide vests for use in attacks. He is also responsible for the facilitation of IEDs, weapons and military equipment for multiple Taliban groups operating in Kandahar.


An Afghan and coalition security force killed one enemy of Afghanistan during an operation in search of a Haqqani leader in Khoshi district, Logar province, May 30. The leader coordinates and directs improvised explosive device, indirect fire and small arms attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He is responsible for weapons facilitation and IED emplacement and exercises command and control over multiple Haqqani groups in the area. He has also directed assassinations against local Afghans.

An Afghan and coalition security force wounded one enemy of Afghanistan during an operation in search of a Haqqani leader in Zurmat district, Paktiya province, May 30. The leader is responsible for kidnapping operations in the local area. He also conducts improvised explosive device and small-arms fire attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

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