Thursday, August 16, 2012

7 Afghan soldiers killed following blast in Baghlan province

According to local authorities in northern Baghlan province of Afghanistan, at least 7 Afghan national army soldiers were killed following a roadside bomb explosion in this province.

Gen. Janullah Safi commander 3 regiment in 209 Shaheen Afghan national army commandment confirming the report said the incident took place early Thursday around 2 am local time after a vehicle of the Afghan army soldiers struck with a mine, killing 7 Afghan army service members.

In the meantime an Afghan national army official speaking on the condition of anonymity said at least two Afghan army service members were also injured following the blast.

A spokesman for the Taliban militants group Zabiullah Mujahid cliamed responsibility behind the incident.

Baghlan province located in northern Afghanistan is considered to be a relatively region however Taliban militants have recently increased their insurgency activities in a number of its districts.

By Sajad - Thu Aug 16, 2:35 pm

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