Thursday, August 16, 2012

Senior security official killed in Maidan Wardak province

Districts of Wardak.
Districts of Wardak. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to local security officials in Maidan Wardak province of Afghanistan, a senior government official was killed following a roadside bomb explosion in this province.

A local security official speaking on the condition of anonymity said director of provincial security research director Gen. Tahir was killed following a roadside bomb blast in Pul-e-Surkh area.

The source further added a remote controlled bomb went off while Gen. Tahir was defusing an improvised explosive device that was planted by militants.

In the meantime provincial governor spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said he was unaware of the incident.

He said there are no reports regarding the death of Gen. Tahir.

This comes as militants activities have tremendously increased in certain regions of central Maidan Wardak province.

Shahidullah Shahid said militants have specifically increased their operations in Mullah Khel and Zeulat villages in Jalrez district.

By Sadaf Shinwari - Thu Aug 16, 11:21 am

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