Thursday, August 16, 2012

Aug. 16., 2012. - RC-East operational update

BAGRAM, Afghanistan - Afghan and coalition forces killed two insurgents, detained four, located a weapons cache and cleared five improvised explosive devices during operations in eastern Afghanistan throughout the past 24 hours, Aug. 15.

Ghazni Province
Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces killed an insurgent during an engagement in Muqer District.

Khowst Province
Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces detained two insurgents during engagements in Shamal and Sabari Districts. The detained suspects were transferred to a base for questioning.

Kunar Province
Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces detained two insurgents during an engagement in Darah Ye Pech District. The detained suspects were transferred to a base for questioning.

Nangarhar Province
Afghan Uniformed Police and coalition forces found and safely cleared three IEDs, two in Bati Kot District and one in Surkh Rod District.

Paktika Province
Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces discovered a weapons cache in Zerok District. The cache contained rockets.

A coalition airstrike killed an insurgent in Orgun District who was emplacing an IED.

Parwan Province
Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces found and safely cleared an IED in Bagram District.

Operations in RC-East are still ongoing.

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