Thursday, August 16, 2012

Aug. 16., 2012. - ISAF Joint Command Morning Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan – An Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation in search of a group of insurgents in Nizam-e Shahid district, Herat province yesterday.

When the security force found the insurgents, they engaged them with a precision airstrike. After the strike, the force conducted a follow-on assessment and confirmed the strike had killed multiple insurgents. The security force also confirmed the strike had not injured any civilians or damaged any civilian property.

The insurgents, who belonged to an insurgent cell controlled by Abdulla Akbari, were planning a large scale attack against Afghan government officials and Afghan security forces in the Herat.

Akbari leads a group of insurgents responsible for improvised explosive attacks throughout the province and rocket attacks against Herat Airfield.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


In Ishkamish district, Takhar province, yesterday, an Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to find Mullah Anwar, a senior Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader. During the operation, the security force was attacked by a group of insurgents. The force returned fire and conducted a precision airstrike. After the strike, the force conducted a follow-on assessment and confirmed the strike had killed multiple insurgents including Anwar. Anwar is the senior IMU military leader in Burkah district, Baghlan province and was involved in the assassination of the Ishkamish district mayor on Monday. The security force also detained two suspected insurgents and seized multiple weapons and explosives during the operation.


An Afghan and coalition force arrested two suspected insurgents during an operation in search of a Taliban weapons distributer in Washer district, Helmand province, today. The Taliban weapons distributer is in charge of acquiring weapons, ammunition and funds for Taliban fighters in Washer district.

Afghan and coalition officials confirmed today that the insurgent killed by a precision airstrike in Panjwa’i district, Kandahar province, Tuesday, was the Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Shah provided heavy weapons and explosive components to insurgents operating in the region. He also coordinated and directed insurgent attacks, frequently using improvised explosive devices to attack security forces.


In Muqer district, Ghazni province, an Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to find the Taliban leader Jihadmal today. During the operation, the security force engaged and killed an armed insurgent who was threatening them. During the follow-on assessment, the Afghan and coalition force confirmed the dead insurgent was Jihadmal. Jihadmal planned, coordinated and led multiple attacks in the region against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also detained two suspected insurgents during the operation.

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